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Old July 4, 2007   #4
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happychick, I don't think we really solved your problem. If your soil is diseased with Bacterial Canker you really can't do much about it to eradicate it other than let it lay for about 3 years. If a surrogate garden is not practical there is another way. Its a type of grow-bed gardening Dr. Jacob Mittleider developed and rather than calling them grow-beds he calls them grow-boxes. Rather than using soil he uses different combinations of sawdust, perlite, sand, coffee hulls, peat moss, and pine bark. With the above ingredients you can make about 5 different growing mediums.
You use a feeding solution made out of fertilizer salts to feed the plants. I don't see why you couldn't use an organic
feeding solution as well. You can grow about any kind of vegetables in these grow-boxes.
When you make your beds you lay down a piece of plastic to separate your grow-box from the diseased soil. Should work and you don't have to worry about disease or weeds.
Here is a link to a site that carries his books and literature. His book on "Lets Grow Tomatoes" is an excellent read and also shows you how to make and use the grow-boxes and is downloadable in pdf format. Hopes this helps. Ami

Jim Kennard who worked with Dr. Mittleider for several years runs the food for everyone organization and will answer any question you may have reagarding Dr. Mittleider's method. His e-mail address is;
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting ‘...Holy Crap .....What a ride!'
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