Thread: Orange-1
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Old July 12, 2007   #8
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Hi Carolyn,

Orange 1 were grown in three large pots last year, one pot had a organic mix of kelp, manure, peatmoss and top soil.
The others had only topsoil, peatmoss and abit of manure.
The potted mix with the kelp grew stronger plants and a few larger tomato's than the rest. All tasted the same though!

Take care,

Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I too like Orange-1 and the plants are always loaded up with fruits. And my experience was that they were all pretty much the same size.

Randy, since I have no way of knowing the size of those fruits that you show, I can't say that one is abnormally large. I can say that mine, as grown outside, were almost all of the same size with no differential like that.

Grow your own! Tomatoes that is...
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