Originally Posted by JLJ_
They spell it with three O's
I tried it when Carolyn had it in her offer some years ago. It didn't make it to fruit production that year, but it tried hard, so I bought some seed from Victory and it's grown here (in the ground) and done well. When happy, it produced fruit a little larger than Zolotoe Serdtse, though as per Victory's listing, there was a size range. Both those, when happy, were earlyish and abundant producers, here, though.
Yes, I did have it in a seed offer quite a few years ago, my seeds I think from Andrey in Belarus.
When I first listed it in that offer I think I may have used 3 O's but it was Tania who corrected me,and I made that correction on the first page of the offer and asked all to change it to
Not much info in the above link and no time to go back and look at the list of varieties that Andrey usually sends me each year.
Whatever,I think it's a really good variety.