Thread: Ohio Tomatoes
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Old August 20, 2017   #7
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Originally Posted by uzlaguzla View Post
Of all my varieties I consider Chapman the best. Each plant had at least 25 fruit. If I had thinned, I am sure the size would have been greater. The fruit was mostly unblemished and smooth. The plants are still making fruit while most of the others have stopped. Next year some of these will be thinned to see how big they will get.
I think the background on Chapman,which I think is a great variety, might well be of interest to you and others reading here.

I knew Robert Richardson very well,he was an expat from England and told me what bubble and squeak was,and lots more. His real interest was hot peppers and I got several from him,did some seed production and I think that two of them are still being offered by SESE,Southern Exposure Seed Exchange .

I just checked SESE and only one being offered but quite unique having variegated foliage, called Royal Black.

When Robert died his wife, or maybe it was his daughter, actually called me to let me know he had passed,that's how well we knew each other.

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