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Old August 3, 2007   #4
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Sorry I haven't responded earlier, been sick this week.

I do have some thoughts as to what your problem might be. Had a similar looking problem this year, and arrived at the conclusion (after some googling) that it was most likely bacterial.

What it looked like on my plant was almost like tar or ink was staining that area at the ★★★★★★★★ between the main stem and branches.

I pulled the plant, too many other plants to take any chances of having it spread and/or contaminate the soil. Hated to do it because the plant was loaded with fruit and this was a variety I really wanted to grow. I made sure to remove all the mulch and every single piece of plant material from the area. Also laid the cage in my driveway and rinsed it with a bleach solution. I've since replanted in that same spot, no problems with the new plant (different variety).

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