Thread: What is this?
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Old June 18, 2018   #12
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Los Gatos, CA
Posts: 70

Wow, thanks all for the replies, and help. I had a suspicion it was EB, so appreciate the confirmation. I've just picked up Liqui-Cop, and will start the treatment in the morning.

I have definitely had a bunch of aphids this year, and have been trying to keep at bay with insecticidal soap. It just is so hard to get them when they are hiding on the underside of the leaves!

Bower - can you help illuminate me on how the ants are tied to aphids? I have noticed more ants this year as well, but have to be careful of what I use since my dog gets quite nosy...

Sorry for the delay in follow up, for some reason I didn't get the alerts when these replies were posted. I really appreciate all the help!
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