Originally Posted by Woodenzoo
I had forgotten that this was a green when ripe tomato.
Somewhat hard to tell in the pics, but it's the strangest shade of orange.
(And weighs about 2-3 ounces).
I really don't want to comment on productivity as nothing was productive this year (well, nothing aside from Eva Purple Ball!) I'd have liked a few more to better judge the taste. Will try this tomato again another year.

Cathy, It was bcday who posts here who first listed it in the SSE Yearbook and I think it was last year or the year before that i first grew it, seeds from her.
I didn't get any strange orange color, just the typical amber blush of most green when ripes, and the size should be in the 8-12 oz range not as small as you got.
I'm glad you've decided to grow it next year b'c it is quite tasty.