The story I got was they were brought from Europe by Jewish immigrants, they crossed Europe by land thought to be from Poland just before WW2 and brought several types of seeds with them. So they have been in Canada since maybe the mid 30's .My SIL's father got them just a few years after they arrived and had grown them ever since since his death 3 years ago. .I have had them since the late 80s.
They are pole ,a little later to mature than most I gave grown. Very tall, white flowers. Their pods are Romano type , long and flat and at first glance look green but when you look in a good light one can just see streaks in them, it is not a very strong streak but it is there. The dried seeds are a rich mid caramel color when fully dried with markings on them that are almost red, they are a very pretty bean. They are fat beans almost egg shaped not longish like some beans are.
My Sil'sl father told me the pods used to be more streaked many years ago and the plant grows taller, but was always a pole plant he said. I think it crossed in his or his neighbors yard as the Jewish family and him lived next door for many years and both grew many beans. It has not changed since I have had it and is quite stable now