Laurus Nobilis
Does anybody else out there grow Laurus Nobilis ?
I do and it is a great plant for the southern landscape.
This plant is an evergreen and as such will keep its leaves on for sometimes a few years.
Even so the leaves get old and will drop off on their own with out any outside factors involved such as mistreatment.
Where these leaves fall off, there will be a little bud that will start to grow; this will become a new branch.
What sized pot do you have it in? (Root bound is ok) but I bet it could use a bigger container.
Have you pruned the top?helps promote branching.
Do you have it in sun or shade? (They will live in both)
And most important, have you changed your feeding and watering habits recently.(good friends bad advice.)
The only thing I can possibly think of is salt build up from some fertilizers, but I doubt it.
(They are tolerant of salt.)
BUT if it is the problem you can flush out the salt by running ten times the volume of the container with fresh water, ‘this also works for over fertilizing.
If it was doing ok for the last 5 years and you have not changed the way you are taking care of it then
((((((((I suspect that the leaves are the older ones that are falling off and there is nothing to worry about.)))))))))