Thread: Bay Laurel?
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Old November 19, 2007   #9
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 610

Bitterwort, thanks for the moist sand suggestion for rooting, I'll have to that a try. I've tried a glass of water and moist Pro-Mix, nothing worked. I had given up, each of the cuttings ended up drying and the leaves dying off. I saw no point in trying to keep what appeared to be a dead twig growing. I did not try using rootone, I guess I'll have to try that on the next batch.

Do you root these under any special conditions? I've read that they should be kept in the dark and in humid conditions. Do you think it's too late in the year to try some cuttings now? How thick in diameter are your cuttings? And, I feel foolish asking this, but I've read to keep a heel on the stem you're trying to root, can you clarify what a "heel" is?

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