Originally Posted by robin303
You live down by the Colorado River Worth. Don’t see no pine trees. You can make a fortune off that truck as is. Lot of car nutz here in Austin. Nice spread you got there.
Robin I learned how to drive in that truck when I was around 9 years old. We go back a long time, almost 49 years.
I used to ride the front finder on our big farm we used to have like in the John Wayne movie, Hatari.
I also rode the fender with a rifle and shot rabbits as they ran out in the FARM road.
Another guy would be on the other fender and one on the top.
That was a long time ago.
I don’t live on the river I live in the Lost Pines area on a hill.
I don’t care for pine trees because I had to smell pine on me all of the time from working in a saw mill as a kid.

They do grow here though, just not on my place.
The soil is what is trapped on my place from runoff. It’s about 1 foot deep and as loose as can be with hardly any rocks.