I temporarily blinded myself one time with habanero juices that was on my fingers.I was slicing up habaneros[bare-handed]for salsa,then started dicing onions which caused my eyes to water.I wiped at my eyes with my hands and got the habanero juice in my eyes[both of them !]The pain was horrible !!I screamed for my husband to come help me because I couldn't see at all and I spent the afternoon on the sofa with cold cloths on my eyes and whimpering..I can't believe i was so stupid to not scrub my hands immediately after cutting the habaneros..So that guy in Mexico is a scam,if you ask me,he is using a non-toxic pepper to show off,there is no way he is going to be squeezing a hot pepper juice into his eyes without pain.His eyes are no different than yours and mine.Very odd,yes indeedy,very odd..