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Old August 3, 2007   #1
Andrey_BY's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Minsk, Belarus, Eastern Europe (Zone 4a)
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Default Tomato harvest - July 31, 2007

the main photo (from the left to the right):

Upper row = Malakhitovaya Shkatulka (green when ripe), Lunnyi Vostorg (Moon Delight; heart-shaped), Lavina (potato leafed plant), Orange-1 (unexpected giant of 360 g) and Orangevyi Gigant (Orange Giant).

Middle row = Tyazheloves Sibiri (Heavyweight of Siberia - 560 g), Krasnyi Krupnyi (Large Red ; very prolific and bears fruits of different shapes: oblate, cube and heart-shaped), Chyornyi Slon (Black Elephant ; rosy black), Orlinoe Serdtse (Eagle's Heart ; huge pink double-heart) and Lotos (milky-white fruits on potato-leafed plant)

Lower row = Rozalia (pink mat skinned fruit, potato leaf foliage), Detskiy Sladkiy (Sweet for Children ; very compact plant with 50-70 g red fruits, should be very sweet, but I've made it tangy-sweet as I like most ), a sport of Reisetomato (got from Reinhard Kraft, but it doesn't show its famous feature of "easy-getting-parts", but gives me a very viny and prolific plant with huge clusters of 16-20 small to middle size red ribbed fruited with quite good flavor ), Korol Gigantov (The King of Giants; semi-determinate plant with nice red beefs of very good flavor), Medvezh'ya Lapa (Bear's Claw) and Sevryuga.

All other photoes show parts of the main photoes a little bit closer.

A photo with 3 hearts shows: Tyazheloves Sibiri (Heavyweight of Siberia)=red, Lunnyi Vostorg = yellow and Orlinoe Serdtse (Eagle's Heart).

A photo with green-yellow-orange line of tomatoes shows: Lotos, Lunnyi Vostorg, Orange-1 and Orangevyi Gigant (Orange Giant).

And the last picture I dedicate to the Late Blight season which was started a week ago here

P.S. The coin that was used in photoes is 1 Russian rouble = 2 cm in diameter
Attached Images
File Type: jpg aug07 032 5 colors tomato.jpg (199.1 KB, 42 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 031 LV+OS+TS.jpg (153.7 KB, 37 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 029 7 tomatoes.jpg (150.2 KB, 41 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 025 16 tomatoes.jpg (179.1 KB, 66 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 028 6 tomatoes.jpg (148.9 KB, 40 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 026 6 tomatoes.jpg (133.5 KB, 40 views)
File Type: jpg aug07 036 Late Blight.jpg (163.7 KB, 47 views)
1 kg=2.2 lb , 1 m=39,37 in , 1 oz=28.35 g , 1 ft=30.48 cm , 1 lb= 0,4536 kg , 1 in=2.54 cm , 1 l = 0.26 gallon , 0 C=32 F

Andrey a.k.a. TOMATODOR

Last edited by Andrey_BY; August 3, 2007 at 01:26 PM.
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