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Old May 2, 2009   #1
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Default MycoGrow killed fungus gnats?

Earlier this year we had fungus gnats flying all around the house. They were by my seedlings all the time and the larvae may have caused some of the problems with my plants. When I got the MycoGrow soluble and used it when watering all seedlings and indoor plants. A week later I noticed that there were not so many fungus gnats around. I have now used the MycoGrow secod time a week ago when watering and have not seen any fungus gnats anymore.

I noticed that MygoGrow suluble contains Bacillus thuringiensis. Could it have taken care of my fungus gnat problem? I have used BT against tomato hornworms and cabbage worms, but did not know that it could kill also fly larvae.
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Old May 3, 2009   #2
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
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I did not know that it would kill fungus gnats, but I did notice
that I have very few around this year compared to last year.

Usually in pest control products that use BT you get a strain of
BT specially selected for control of a particular pest. (There are
a great many different documented BT strains in the research
literature.) I guess getting one that controls fungus gnats in
Mycogrow Soluble is just luck (since they do not document what
strain it is exactly).
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