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Old May 4, 2017   #1
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Default White Currant tomatoes?

I started a few White Currant tomatoes in peats. The plants were doing okay, until I transplanted them in 4 inch pots.
Two out of Three plants died. I always heard that currants were a challenge to grow(getting them started in pots). So, when/if the weather settles down-would I have better luck direct seeding?

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Old May 8, 2017   #2
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Originally Posted by tarpalsfan View Post
I started a few White Currant tomatoes in peats. The plants were doing okay, until I transplanted them in 4 inch pots.
Two out of Three plants died. I always heard that currants were a challenge to grow(getting them started in pots). So, when/if the weather settles down-would I have better luck direct seeding?

I've grown quite a few currant varieties, S.Pimpinellifolium,
and never had a problem but allow me to ask a few questions.

What medium did you use to germinate seeds?

How tall were the seedlings when you transferred them to 4 inch pots and what was the medium you had in those pots.

Lastly,what was the source of your seed,if you feel comfortable doing that, or seed age and was source trade, seed offer or commercial.

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Old May 13, 2017   #3
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
I've grown quite a few currant varieties, S.Pimpinellifolium,
and never had a problem but allow me to ask a few questions.

What medium did you use to germinate seeds?

How tall were the seedlings when you transferred them to 4 inch pots and what was the medium you had in those pots.

Lastly,what was the source of your seed,if you feel comfortable doing that, or seed age and was source trade, seed offer or commercial.


Thanks for the reply.

I started the White Currents in peat pots.

I usually wait until my little tomato plants have at least a couple of sets of true leaves.

It was when I moved my little tomatoes into 4 inch pots that my plants faultered, I was using Organic ProMix.

I bought the White Current seed, this year from Baker Creek. My remaining plant has been transplanted to a big pot outside. It was planted in Expert planting mix. It is doing okay. If I can save it from rain+rain, wind and hail...
I asked Baker Creek for some advice about growing current tomato.

Here is cut and paste of what they said:
"recommend that you sow seeds into larger cells like a 6 pack or 4 pack tray and allow the plants to become established but not root bound, then harden off outdoors in a protected place and eventually place in the garden. Diect seeding is very risky and I think that the seedlings just need to get better established before you move them! "

I don't know what happened with the currents, the above kind of missed the mark, except the direct seeding.

I hope my reply makes sense

from tarp

p.s the information you shared with my regarding White Lighning made me try the seed, they are healthy little plants, as are the White Queen seedlings! Thank you so much for the help there-it was super!
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