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Old July 28, 2011   #1
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Default Tatiana - seeds

My dear friends,

First of all, I would like to thank you for all the love, support, help, and encouragement you sent my way in the difficult times. So many things happened to me this year, including the last devastating hit - the loss of my 2011 tomato growout project. I am still grieving. 2011 was supposed to be the year I planned to grow all the varieties with very low seed count and/or very old seeds with challenging germination. This is why losing the crop this year was the most devastating event.

Although the losses were high, in this situation I also gained so much, that I have to say that the gains are much greater than my losses. First of all, the greatest and most precious thing I gained is seeing so many true friends and supporters - you Tomatovillians, my customers, my [former] team at my last job, my co-workers from my previous job, my doctor, my family... THANK SO MUCH FOLKS FOR BEING HERE FOR ME. I am very honored and very touched.

My losses:
  1. Complete (or nearly complete) loss of the seed stock for 84 varieties (I will post the list below)
  2. Opportunity to take pictures and document another 225 varieties for TOMATObase
  3. Opportunity to save fresh seeds for the 225 varieties
  4. Loss of the 1 year in my 10 year growout plan of refreshing the seed stock for 1500+ varieties in my seed collection I haven't had a chance to grow yet.
  5. no fresh home grown tomatoes for me this year

Thank you for all your help offering the seed replacement. This help me with #1, #3, and perhaps even with #4.

If anybody is willing to help me with #2, I will also be most grateful. Please let me know if you want to help with TOMATObase, with your tomato pictures or descriptions - it does not need to be necessarily info/pictures for the lost varieties, any contribution will be gratefully accepted! As the most important thing for me was to have the TOMATObase to share the information with all tomato folks...


Tatiana's TOMATObase
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Old July 28, 2011   #2
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Default The list of varieties I need seeds

I am still looking for the varieties marked in bold.

14. Burning Spear (carolyn137|CV Gleckler 2010|20-30; Goldie/CV Gleckers 2011/10-15; Idahowoman|CV Gleckler 2011|10; farmall|2009+growing this year/Carolyn|many)
24. (received) Early Annie
41. Malinovyi Tsvet
49. Novinka Kubani
53. Pera D’Abruzzo
62. Red Dwarf (Jeannine Anne|CV? 2007|#?; Zana|CV Knapp 2010|87)
72. Soleil
85. White Bush (montanamato|saved 2006/WI MI B 2006|35+)

Received as of Feb 24:
1. (*found*) Alice
2. (*found*) Alice's Egypt
4. (*found*) Altajskij Urozajnij
5. (*received - Suze*) Amish Potato Leaf (carolyn137|saved 2003/Doug Wallace|#a lot; suze; ContainerTed|growing this year|?; kath|growing this year/CV Sample Seed Shop|?)
7. (*received*) Ardwyna (Linda10)
8. (*received*) Arkansas Traveler (nctomatoman)
9. (*received*) Aunt Ginny's Purple (remy; suze|?|?; greyhost)
10. (*received*) Big Orange (retiree|2002|?)
11. (*received*) Bradley (remy;
12. (*received*) Brown's Yellow Giant (lurley)ContainerTed|2010|)
13. (*received*) Burcham's New Generation (nctomatoman)
15. (*found*) Bychye Serdtse Beloe
16. (*received*) Campbell 1327 (Sherry AK|growing this year /TGS 07|?)
19. (*received*) Cleota Pink (greyhost)
20. (*received*) Cleota Yellow (linda)
22. (*found*) Didi's Yellow
23. (*received*) Doubloon (kath|2011/OneOftheEarls)
25. (*received*) Erdie Family Oxheart (Idahowoman|Dan McMurray|?)
26. (*received*) Glick's Pride (PNW_D)
27. (*received - Lurley*) Gold Medal (lurley|CV 2011|?; kath|saved 2010/heirloomdaddy|80)
28. (*received*) Goliath (Jeannine Anne)
30. (*received*) Hazel Mae (lurley|CV 2011|?)
31. (*received*) Indische Fleisch (nctomatoman)
33. (*received*) John Baer (salix; Zana|Farmette|?)
34. (*received - kath*) Jujube Cherry (Patty_B|growing this year|?; kath|growing this year|?)
35. (*received*) Kiev (carolyn137|old seed|?)
36. (*found*) Legenda Tarasenko
37. (*received*) Levino (kath|2011)
38. (*received*) Lisa King
39. (*received*) Lopatinskie (not heart!)
40. (*received*) Magnum (Heritage; remy|Buffalo-Niagara TasteFest by M.Korney|?; Jeannine Anne|CV? 2010|#?; Zana|Mark Korney/Jerry Powarski 2009|246; troad|Heirloom Tomatoes 2007|20)
42. (*received*) Manyel (Heritage; ContainerTed|CV Knapp 2010|?)
43. (*found*) Mark Twain (Martin L.; retiree)
44. (*received - kath*) Maryland Large Red (kath|growing this year/Wintersown|?; carolyn137|old seed - maybe?|?)
45. (*received*) Marz Green (suze)
46. (*found*) Medovyi
48. (*received*) Noire Charbonneuse (nctomatoman|2006|?)
50. (*received*) Old Flame (mudman)
51. (*received - kath*) Orange Minsk ( kath|growing this year|?; farmall|2009+growing this year/Carolyn Male/Andrey|many)
52. (*found*) Painted Ukrainian
54. (*received*) Picardy (suze)
55. (*received*) Polish (Ellis) (nctomatoman|2001|?; Zana|saved 2006/Mike Hays|50)
56. (*found*) Polish Dwarf (Jeannine Anne|CV? 2009|#?; Zana|Remy2009|87;
57. (*received*) Polish Pastel (Zana|Remy2009|106)remy|growing this year|?; troad|kath 2009|15)
58. (*received*) Precocibec (salix)
59. (*received*) Queen of Hearts (Jeannine Anne)
60. (*received*) Rannij
63. (*received*) Roter Kürbis
64. (*received*) Roughwood Golden Plum (Zana|Julianna Griffen 2008|59; remy)
66. (*found*) Santa Cruz Cada Gigante
67. (*received*) Santorini (mdvpc)
68. (*received*) Sara Goldstar
69. (*received*) Serendipity Striped (lurley|CV 2011|10, suze|?|?)[/B]
70. Siberian Pink (Sherry_AK|saved 2010?|?; montanamato|saved 2008/CV Sandhill|15)
71. (*received*) Sojourner South American
74. (*found*) Sugar Beefsteak
75. (*received*) Tambovskij
76. (*received*) Tarasenko 6 (greyhost; b54red|growing this year|?; kath|growing this year|?)
77. (*received - kath, lurley*) The Dutchman (farmall|2009+growing this year/original Gl|many; lurley|CV 2011|?; kath|growing this year|?
78. (*received - Lurley*) Thessaloniki (farmall/original Gl|2009+growing this year|many)
79. (*received*) Tina's de Cabo (PNW_D)
80. (*received*) Todd County Amish (lurley; suze|?|?)
81. (*received*) Vintage Wine (remy)
82. (*received - Suze*) Vorlon (salix|CV Gleckler 2010|15; farmall|2010|many; suze|?|?; lurley|CV 2011|?; Sherry AK|growing this year|?)
83. (*received*) West Virginia '63 (dice|mjc/WVU 2009|50)
84. (*received*) West Virginia Straw (kath)
86. (*received - Suze, kath*) Purple Dog Creek (suze;kath|growing this year/Michigandergardener|?)

Tatiana's TOMATObase

Last edited by Tania; February 27, 2012 at 02:03 AM. Reason: Updated on Feb 26, 2012
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Old July 28, 2011   #3
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I can send,

amish yellow giant- made a mistake, I have large yellow amish, is this the same? Either way if you want it I have 10 seeds from tomatofest 2010 I can send
brown's yellow giant -10 seeds, tomatofest 2010
gold medal-I have 12 seeds from baker creek 2010, and also gold medal yellow(the same?) from tomatofest 2010 -10 seeds if you want them
hazel mae- 8 seeds from tomatofest 2010
indische fleish-8 seeds from tomatofest 2010
serendipity striped-10 seeds from tomatofest (not suze, my mistake, that was serendipity) 2010
the dutchman- 12 seeds from baker creek 2010
thessaloniki-10 seeds from baker creek 2010
todd county amish-7 seeds from tomato growers supply 2010
vintage wine-I can't find my seeds for this one but I have it growing in the garden and I have bags so I can send you bagged seed for this one in the fall
vorlon-2 seeds from jeff casey's heirloom seeds 2010, I also have this one growing and can send more seed in the fall, bagged

All commercial seed sources except the serendipty striped, got that from Suze, and all from this year.
Dang jumped before I saw the rules post...will check to see how many of each I have to send and will ammend tonight including commercial source. I put 2010 as the year, they were ordered in late 2010 and early 2011 for planting this year, so I'm not sure what year that makes the seed, 2010 or 2011? All my seeds from previous years was destroyed this past spring so I had to start my collection over, so everything is new.

Last edited by lurley; August 2, 2011 at 05:38 PM. Reason: add amount and source
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Old July 29, 2011   #4
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5. Amish Potato Leaf - '07 seed, OS NY MA C 03, 25-30 seeds
9. Aunt Ginny's Purple
45. Marz Green - WI MI B 07, 10 seeds
51. Orange Minsk
54. Picardy - '06 seed, OS Earl Cadenhead OH 06, 25-30 seeds
69. Serendipity Striped - '10 seed, OS NC MU M 09, 25-30 seeds
76. Tarasenko 6
80. Todd County Amish - '07 seed, OS NY MA C 03, 25-30 seeds
82. Vorlon - '08 seed, OS WI GR S 06, 25-30 seeds
86. Purple Dog Creek - '09 seed, OS IL LO N 08, 25-30 seeds
I have seeds for all of the ones quoted above, including Purple Dog Creek. A few of them might be older seed from 05 or 06 but should still be good. The Marz Green would be from WI MI B 07, and I've never gotten around to growing it out, but you're welcome to some seeds from that pack.

Last edited by Suze; August 24, 2011 at 11:01 PM. Reason: additional info for the ones I'll be sending in red
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Old July 28, 2011   #5
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I would like to ask everybody who is participating to follow a few simple rules that would help me tremendously to keep track of what what is being offered.
  1. Please post in this thread (no PMs please) what variety you can offer, your original seed source, and the year the seeds were collected, and how many seeds you can share.

  2. Duplicate offers are gladly accepted.

  3. I will keep track of this information by updating my 2nd post in this thread, so everybody else can see what was already offered and what was not.

Tatiana's TOMATObase
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Old July 28, 2011   #6
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Wow! What a remarkable list. I have Campbell 1327 and am growing it this season so I can provide fresh seeds at the end of summer and would be glad to do so. I'm also growing Vorlon for the first time. I may have seed left for it or can possibly provide fresh seed at the end of the season, but it's coming along a little slowly for me.

I'd be glad to contribute any pictures I might have. Will you post a separate list for what you need?


EDIT: Didn't see your follow-up msg re rules. I'll have to check about original seed source, etc. Stay tuned!

EDIT 8/3/11: Orig seed source for Campbell 1327 is Tomato Growers Supply - 2007. I can send a dozen or more seeds from this original pack in addition to what I save from this season.

Last edited by Sherry_AK; August 4, 2011 at 01:45 AM. Reason: Add details re Campbell 1327
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Old July 28, 2011   #7
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I can help with the following (surprised at how few I have!):

Arkansas Traveler (seed from 2008)
Noire Charbonneuse (seed from 2006)
Indische Fleische (seed from 2004)
Polish (Ellis) (seed from 2001)
Vintage Wine (seed from 2005)

Let me know if this works for you...
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Old July 28, 2011   #8
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I have Orange Minsk and Burning Spear.
These are from Gleckler Seedman and I bought them in May 2011.
I can send 10 seeds of each.
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Old July 28, 2011   #9
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I just put some Arkansas Traveler seeds into fermentation. Will have plenty. Seed source Burpee.

I also have:

Amish Potato leaf growing in the garden. Seed source Carolyn Male.
Bradley (seed from 2010)
Manyel (seed source Carol Knapp 2010)

Glad to help.
Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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Old July 28, 2011   #10
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Sorry, Tania, from your list I only have

Orange Minsk (source Carolyn) and
Tarasenko 6 (seeds from an English friend).

Both are actually in my garden; I can only send them after this fall. No fruit set yet, but I'm hoping to get at least some fruits. clara
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Old July 28, 2011   #11
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I have some of the following:
Amish Potato Leaf (seeds from The Sample Seed Shop/Remy - 30 seeds available)
Gold Medal (seeds from Farmette)
John Baer (seeds from Farmette)
Magnum (seeds from Mark Korney/Jerry Powarski 2009 - 246 seeds available)
Polish Ellis (2006 seeds I grew, originally from Mike Hays 2005 - 50 seeds available)
Polish Dwarf (seeds from Remy Orlowski 2009 - 87 seeds available + seeds from The Sample Seed Shop 2009 - 15 seeds available)
Polish Pastel (seeds from Remy Orlowski 2009 - 106 seeds available + seeds from The Sample Seed Shop 2009 - 15 seeds available)
Red Dwarf (seeds from Carol Knapp 2010)
Roughwood Golden Plum (seeds from Julianna Griffen 2008 - 59 seeds available)

For those I haven't indicated a quantity available, I'll go count them and edit this post.

Wish I could offer more to you.

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Old July 28, 2011   #12
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I'm ling the ones I know are the correct version, and I have enough to share.

9. Aunt Ginny's Purple - I grew, not sure how many but I have enough to share some.
11. Bradley - I've got TONS!! from a wholesaler
40. Magnum - Buffalo~Niagara TasteFest, I believe grown by Mark Korney
51. Orange Minsk - growing right now, so will have later this season
56. Polish Dwarf - growing right now, so will have later this season
64. Roughwood Golden Plum - from the Tomato Tastefest grown by Sorellina
81. Vintage Wine - quite a few, from TomatoTastefest grown by my friend Marcia R.

Also, you are always welcome to use my photos or my descriptions.
"I wake to sleep and take my waking slow"
-Theodore Roethke

Yes, we have a great party for WNY/Ontario tomato growers every year on Grand Island!
Owner of The Sample Seed Shop
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Old July 28, 2011   #13
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Amish Potato Leaf, 2003, lots of seed, I introduced it, seeds from Doug Wallace, who posts here,

Burning Spear, 2010, Adam G sent to me for my 2011 seed offer. 20-30 seeds, etc. My Burning Spear seed offer seeds from Melody Rose had some offtypes, possible xing with seed production, thus those from Adam

Kiev, older seeds,can't remember when or how many, I introduced it

Noire Charboneuse, I think sent to you, older seeds, may have more

Orange Minsk, 2008, original seeds from Andrey, plenty of seeds

Todd County Amish, 2003, plenty of seeds, and I introduced it, from Doug Wallace of MN, who posts here.

Best I can do Tania. As you know, since 2005 I've been growing lots of newer varieties, new to many, b/c I can grow so few these years. And I know you list many of them for sale, and that's good.
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Old July 28, 2011   #14
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Oh the Amish Potato Leaf Zana has are from me which were grown from Carolyn's 2003 seed.
"I wake to sleep and take my waking slow"
-Theodore Roethke

Yes, we have a great party for WNY/Ontario tomato growers every year on Grand Island!
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Old July 28, 2011   #15
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Just know the Lord works in mysterious ways. He is always watching out for us. Despite, the troubles we face.

Anyhow, I have.

Orange Minsk seeds. From Knapps Farm. Purchased July 2011. Can send 10 seeds.
I also have New Big Dwarf. I have no idea, if it is the same as Red dwarf. If it is. I can send along 5 seeds. Just let me know.

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