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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old September 9, 2006   #1
kimpossible's Avatar
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Default Appreciative Co-Workers (Heirloom Converts!)

The last couple of nights I have been bringing in a few trays filled with an assortment of Green Zebras, Brandywine Sudduth, Orange Banana, Purple Calabash, Black from Tula, Giant Belgium, White Beauty, Pink Ping Pong, Black Cherry, Red & Yellow Pear, Peacevine Cherry, Kellogg's Breakfast, etc. etc. etc....

Many interested coworkers were hovering over the trays (Is this (Green Zebra) ripe??? What's the name of this one??? What does this one taste like??? Are these crossed with some other kinds of vegetables (just not getting over the shapes & colours & pleats, etc.)

I brought in bags & encouraged people to take whatever they wanted home. The cherries were snacked on all night. (I am now the "Tomato Lady"!)

I even got people who "don't like tomatoes" (the ones who have only eaten the cardboard grocery store hybrids) to give them a go.

Tonight, the first ones to disappear were Green Zebra & Orange Banana - they were outside with a salt shaker, eating them like apples and ooing and ahhing!

Lot's of questions about where do you get the seeds, what's SSE, etc...

So I think I have passed on the bug to a few ... will provide some seedlings next spring, etc.
So Many Tomatoes ... So Little Time
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Old September 9, 2006   #2
Polar_Lace's Avatar
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Bravo, Kim! Take a bough (spelling phonetically & phonically here) or two.

Give her a hand .... clap, clap, clap, clap & a cheer ♫ Rah, rah.... ♪ Tomato ♪ Tomato ♪ Tomato, ♪ Tom-a-toe ♪ Tom-a-toe ♪ Tom-a-toe ♫!!!!!
It's not how many seeds you sow. Nor how many plants you transplant. It's about how many of them can survive your treatment of them.
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Old September 12, 2006   #3
Fert1's Avatar
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That's terrific! People can be converted. I've made a few converts myself. I always have lots of plants to give away. Sometimes people are a little leary of anything that doesn't look like they are accustomed to seeing, but once they taste the difference, they are converts for life!
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