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Old December 25, 2006   #1
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Default Shock and Awe !

Because the lack of time, I haven’t read a book in a very long time. I certainly am not going to buy any more books with so many books still unread in my library. I know Carolyn has written a book on tomatoes. Frankly I thought it is just another tomato book.

Today I received a Christmas gift from a friend. When I opened the package, my mouth dropped. I was in an state of utter shock and awe!

It was “100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden”!!!

I was in shock because my friend has no knowledge of tomatoes, he for sure has never heard of Carolyn Male. I had only mentioned to him some time ago that gardening is one of my pastimes and that I also grow tomatoes. He bought Carolyn’s book purely by accident. He could have bought any other gardening book for me.

I was in awe because the book is so artistically composed and printed. Those of you who have the book know exactly what I am talking about. The photographs are stunning because there is no attempt to hide cat faces, blemishes, brown leaves, etc. Everything is honestly and artistically portrayed.

I regret that I did not have this book sooner.

dcarch :wink: :wink:
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Old December 28, 2006   #2
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dcarch wrote :

I was in awe because the book is so artistically composed and printed. Those of you who has the book knows exactly what I am talking about. The photographs are stunning because there is no attempt to hide cat faces, blemishes, brown leaves, etc. Everything is honestly and artistically portrayed.
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dcarch i loved her book because when i first started to learn about heirloom tomatoes i was always looking up different kinds to see what they would look like and you see the most beautiful and shiny tomatoes! But now in her book it shows you how they really just might look (not all perfect !!!) and as me being a newbie to heirloom tomatoes had went to my garden and saw those ugly misshapen tomatoes i would think something was wrong and just never would have grown that kind again or worse yet just give up growing them altogether ! (Thats right not everyone waxes their tomatoes HEE HEE ) Now if only her autograph didn't cost $500.00 !!! Now she might have a senior citizens discount
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Old December 28, 2006   #3
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Now if only her autograph didn't cost $500.00 !!! Now she might have a senior citizens discount

No senior citizen discount.

However, Richard, I charge nothing to members of Tville.

A few folks have gone to the trouble of actually sending me their book along with a prepaid mailer for me to use to send back, but more often they just send me a 3 X 5 card to sign, or similar, and then paste that inside.

I have a few extra books here at home, and could autograph those, but right now I don't know if I have the right size padded mailers and I'm not exactly sure when I might be able to get them to the PO.

It's been a ridiculously mild winter here, and I still have the car out by the front door, but as soon as there's a significant snowfall predicted into the garage goes the car.

But I'll be more careful getting out of the car in the garage b'c in mid Dec when I out put it in there since freezing rain was predicted, my walker and I got caught in a mouse trap.

The main bother of trying to go out when there's no snow but still cold is that I can't get socks on my feet, , and even though I have several sock putter onners, they do not work well at all.

So I have cold feet. :wink:
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