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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old November 4, 2006   #1
michael johnson
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Default " Crafty Tomatoes" and suprising Egg Plants.

I must have some of the craftiest tomatoes in existance, I stopped watering them totaly -about the middle of august ( I do this every year to finish the ripening off properly, ) so all in all I havn't watered them in the greenhouse for about 3 1/2 months, so it has become like a dry desert in the greenhouse, border soil and pots are bone dry with sand like soil and dryness- but the crafty little devils sent out roots under the greenhouse walls and into the open garden, and have been quietly sipping water every time it rains from the outside soil close by, as a result they are flourishing,as green as grass, some are producing flowers and setting fruit,

I leave them dry like this most years on purpose-so that they can dry up and wither so when I finaly yank them out there is less of a bulk of foliage to dispose of,

Egg plants- strangely enough I expected the frost to kill them stone dead along with the tomato plants outside, but the tomato plants went down like nine pins, and the Egg plants have withstood three nights now of solid frost and they still look ok- nature realy is strange
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