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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old April 21, 2014   #16
Randall's Avatar
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I raise rabbits and chickens and find them invaluable for their manure alone. I use a fine wood shaving as bedding for both. It seems to be a perfect mix of carbon and nitrogen. I can pile it up, wet it a little and 24 hrs later, it will be at least 130*F! Within a month or so, it's ready to use as compost. I never use any of it raw or even aged. I'd rather compost it aerobically and make it even better. After hot composting, there are no bad pathogens to worry about and it's loaded with beneficials.

Now, if you're in a pinch you can use some fresh rabbit manure to get a plant back on track without any ill effects, On rabbits eating their poo: They actually have two different things going on there. One is actually waste and the other is a bacteria-rich dropping called cecotropes. They eat them almost immediately and in a nutshell absorb the nutrients that are locked up in the bacteria. They're pretty efficient little critters!
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Old April 21, 2014   #17
ScottinAtlanta's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Tracydr View Post
I've made my garden beds out of almost straight horse manure compost. The first year, before I added any dirt I had my best garden, although it was partly weather related.
I've used fairly fresh poultry manure as fertilizer. I use it sparingly until it's composted but I put a good amount on heavy feeders like corn and okra. In fact, I just mixed a whole large wheelbarrow of aged, not fully composted chicken manure into my corn/ okra garden today!
Me, too. Wonderful stuff, almost no weeds. Horse manure composts very fast - in 6-8 weeks, you should be able to plant in it.
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Old April 21, 2014   #18
Growing Giants
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Yes they can get vitamins from their poop. But I repeat it is a defiencies in their diet!
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