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Old April 10, 2015   #1
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Default Reading worms

OK, you worm folks. A question.

I have beds with handfuls of big lively grey worms in them, and other beds with lots of smaller red worms in them. They seem to be segregated - beds have either one kind or the other.

So what does this mean? Why would beds have different kinds of worms?
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Old April 10, 2015   #2
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Originally Posted by ScottinAtlanta View Post
OK, you worm folks. A question.

I have beds with handfuls of big lively grey worms in them, and other beds with lots of smaller red worms in them. They seem to be segregated - beds have either one kind or the other.

So what does this mean? Why would beds have different kinds of worms?
Two things, worms are territorial and form colonies and certain worms live on certain things.
So it could be one or the other or both.

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Old April 10, 2015   #3
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Originally Posted by ScottinAtlanta View Post
OK, you worm folks. A question.

I have beds with handfuls of big lively grey worms in them, and other beds with lots of smaller red worms in them. They seem to be segregated - beds have either one kind or the other.

So what does this mean? Why would beds have different kinds of worms?
What worth said, also the red worms generally prefer more "fresh" decomposing material as a general rule. Those grey ones? Hard to say.

There are around 30 species of worms in the east coast though. So hard to say which you have.

AKA The Redbaron

"Permaculture is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature; of protracted & thoughtful observation rather than protracted & thoughtless labour; & of looking at plants & animals in all their functions, rather than treating any area as a single-product system."
Bill Mollison
co-founder of permaculture
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