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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old May 4, 2021   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Michigan
Posts: 2
Default Can you help; I really goofed!

Hello. I’m at my wits end. I am NOT a newbie, but I sure made a BIG newbie mistake this year, and I’m really hoping somebody can help me.

So back in early April, I planted a flat of tomatoes. My flat is 72 single cells, with 12 rows of 6 each. Basically I planted 12 different varieties of tomatoes, 6 of each variety. I made a nice, organized chart on graph paper and labeled each cell n the paper chart. BUT, and this is a BIG but, I then forgot to mark my flat!!!!! So when I look at my flat, I have no idea from left to right if I’m looking at rows 1-12, or if it’s backwards. I hope this makes sense.

My only hope is that I think one of the varieties is supposed to have potato leaf. That is Vintage Wine. However, at this point, there are several that look pretty much like the one I THINK is Vintage Wine.

If I list all 12 of the varieties and post pictures, is there somebody who could maybe recognize the leaf differences? Or maybe I should just post pictures of row #1 and row #12 since their foliage looks very different from each other. Those two varieties are Cherry Roma and Costoluto Genovese. If I could positively differentiate those two from each other, the rest would fall into place.

Any help would be very much appreciated. I have a lady who has me grow certain ones for her each year, and I can’t be messing up somebody else’s growing season. Plus I planted way more than I need in hopes of making a little extra cash. This is really stressing me out, and it shouldn’t. But it’s a lot of work, and I just feel so stupid.

Hope to hear from somebody....anybody....soon. Thanks so much!
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