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Old March 14, 2006   #1
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Default Wife On trial for negligent homicide, mass murder!!!

Well that’s about it, she managed to kill off about 75% of the tomatoes I had started.
When we discus the subject on what she did wrong it gets nasty for about 5 minutes.

Then I drop the subject and tell her she is doing the best she can do and will learn.

The DEAR WILD CAT~ I mean WIFE IS A RED HEAD and strong minded and mean.
Most of the houseplants I have go to PLANT hospital when I come home to bring them back t life.
Then I kick myself because Martha 100 yards down the road would have taken care of them for me, she’s a good gardener, and a great lady I hope she comes to visit when we move.

On the bright side I do have most of the verities I planted up and growing in a mine green house I built for them. (2x2x8)
And they are doing fine.
I will plant more seeds when I get back.

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Old March 14, 2006   #2
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: S. FLorida / Zone 10
Posts: 369

Boy, that is serious. Can't for the life of me think of a solution except maybe bribery. Hard cash or maybe jewelry if you come home and all are alive and well.

Plus I would call her EVERY day and say did you do so and so for the plants.

I have the reverse situation--my husband is gone 18-20 days out of the month. Thank goodness I am here to take care of seedlings as I'm sure his plant nurturing skills rivals your wifes'.


"When we kill off the natural enemies of a pest we inherit their work."
Carl Huffaker
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