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Old April 29, 2008   #16
Sorellina's Avatar
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Location: Victoria, BC
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Ciao Worth-

I grew Ceylon and liked it. I'm not sure why mine had better shelf life, but I do keep them in the coolest part of the house away from light. They kept about a week that way. Production was fairly high and I had the plant on the end of the row, which always bodes well for decent production, getting the most sun. The plant for me was a compact indeterminate, much like Black Plum, bushy but not super tall, about 5 ft. at the height of the season.

I'm glad you're growing both Ceylon and Red Star because that will give all of us a better idea which ruffled cherry is the better one.

Buona fortuna!
Grazie a tutti,
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Old May 1, 2008   #17
Little_Rhody's Avatar
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Posts: 106

I grew celyon in 2006. I agree with what others have about it being very seedy (very large seeds for a small tomato). I was not not particularly impressed with the flavor either. However kids LOVED it! It looks like a mini brandywine beefstake and my neices and newphews were always picking and eating them. When I did a little seed saving project with them that was one of plants they all chose to save seed from. I am trying red star this year also.
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