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Old March 27, 2011   #46
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As far as loading/transporting goes, when I first bought a 50' roll, I was able to fit it into the back of my Scion TC with the back seat folded down. 50' isn't that heavy, so I was able to load it into the car myself. I also covered the roll with an old blanket to prevent it from damaging the upholstery.

The last time, I could only get a 150' roll. This time, I had my wife with me (thankfully) as it took the two of us to load it into the car. This roll was a bit bigger, so we had to slide the passager seat all the way forward, and secure the trunk (TC again) with bungie cords. I scrunched up in the passenger seat for the ride home.

Just to let you know that I share the insanity: this second excursion was my birthday treat.
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Old March 27, 2011   #47
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I use the fencing from home depot/ lowes with the small openings and modify it,I remove sections in a checkerboard pattern. I bend the cut ends around so it doesn't cut my hand like a razor. I form it into 24" dia cages. It's a little extra work but works very well.

Last year I stacked 3 of them for a cherry that grew 14' and they held up very well and ridged.
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Old March 27, 2011   #48
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Littlerock, CA
Posts: 218

Originally Posted by tomakers View Post
It will roll pretty easily until you cut it open. They are usually wired into a roll and won't come undone until you cut it. And the roll is pretty heavy, but not near 150#. 2 able people can manage it.
You can also get sheets that are 5' x 10', but the way they are cut you can only get 1 cage. I used the remainder to make cages to use with cucumbers and beans.
Someone mentioned 150 lbs in one of these threads, anyway, it's not a 1 person job getting it into a vehicle of pretty much any kind, much less a passenger vehicle.
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