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Old August 9, 2014   #31
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Bluegill would be far better than the tilapia from China, which is where most come from. Fed manures of every type and loaded with heavy metals and antibiotics. Bluegill, perch, and crappie made for many delicious meals when fried with a cornmeal coating.
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Old August 9, 2014   #32
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Originally Posted by mensplace View Post
Bluegill would be far better than the tilapia from China, which is where most come from. Fed manures of every type and loaded with heavy metals and antibiotics. Bluegill, perch, and crappie made for many delicious meals when fried with a cornmeal coating.

I wont eat tilapia for obvious reasons as you stated.
I do have to state that much of the stuff you read on line about farm raised fish starts out like this.
It has been said.
It has been reported.
The New York times stated.
So and so of the so and so reported.
Many believe.
Then there is the deal where the news said someone else reported.
You go to that place and they say that someone else said and so on.
Hard to get a grip on the truth with this kind of information.
I just got off a site where some doctor was doing the some thing.

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Old October 17, 2014   #33
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Tilapia and farmed catfish always taste like dirt to me.
The catfish I've caught in my pond have no "dirt" flavor. Maybe it has to do with poopy water and cheap feed?
I do throw anything from the fridge into the pond if its so disgusting that the dogs and chickens can't eat it and it may attract animals to the compost bin. I'd prefer not attracting coons and possums, since I have lots of free ranged chicks.
Icky meat, moldy cheese,etc. really, the dogs and cats eat so much meat that there isn't much left for the turtles, bluegills and catfish. Just stuff that gets shoved to the back of the fridge.
I usually throw fish carcasses back in the pond but maybe I'll try some in the garden, particularly when I plant my fruit trees and blueberries.
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Old October 20, 2014   #34
Join Date: Jun 2014
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i have a hard time telling much of a differance between farm raised fish or shrimp. i was told not to buy costco's farm raised fish from thailand but i did and it was ok
i also eat white castles at least once a weak so take my taste buds with two grains of salt
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