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Old February 26, 2006   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Tolosa, Texas
Posts: 25
Default Watermelon Beefsteak

Are these potato leaf? i am growing these this year and all the seedlings are potato leaf. according to my notes that row, in that tray ,is supposed to be Watermelon Beefsteak. These seeds came from Reimer and their description doesn't say but the picture looks like RL.

The TGS description leads me to believe that there might be a potato leaf version out there because it touts the seed to be the "true" Watermelon Beefsteak which produces RL plants.

None of the other trays (according to my notes) have anything that is supposed to be PL on row 5.

Tray 3- Rosalita
Tray 4-Honey HYbrid
Tray 5-Early Girl
Tray 6- Watermelon Beefsteak

Any Ideas?
Zone 8a
Tolosa, Texas
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Old February 26, 2006   #2
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Watermelon Beefsteak is RL and there is no PL version.

Seeds by Design in CA was responsible for sending out those wrong PL WB's to many suppliers that was not WB as well as their sending out several other wrong varieties.

The two places I know of that had PL not WB were Baker Creek and Heirloomseeds.

I told Jere at Baker Creek about it two years ago but I don't know if they or Tom at Heirloomseeds, who also knew about it as I recall but won't swear to it due to faulty memory here, corrected the seeds with proper seeds.
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Old February 26, 2006   #3
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Reimer Seeds are getting a very bad reputation. People are getting whole pks of seed that do not germinate. pks with mixed junk, Sweet pepper seeds labeled with more expensive hot pepper names ect. When contacting the company they are told more or less that is too bad. They have a bad rating on the Garden Watch Dog. In other words they are crooked.
zone 5/6 north Idaho
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Old February 26, 2006   #4
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I have some more of the seed, i guess i will germinate a couple more to see if they come out the same, at least i will know if i mixed my trays up.

The only PL's i have in the trays should be ,Yellow Brandywine (Seedfest) and Brandywine Black (TGS). They are both where they are supposed to be.

Maybe i received a mislabeled pack.

Thank you Carolyn!
Zone 8a
Tolosa, Texas
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Old February 26, 2006   #5
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Posts: 25

Originally Posted by veggiecanner
Reimer Seeds are getting a very bad reputation. People are getting whole pks of seed that do not germinate. pks with mixed junk, Sweet pepper seeds labeled with more expensive hot pepper names ect. When contacting the company they are told more or less that is too bad. They have a bad rating on the Garden Watch Dog. In other words they are crooked.
I had the seeds left over from last year(2005). I bought them before i read about low germination and other complaints. The three that i had from last year, Giant Belgium, Big Rainbow, and Watermelon Beefsteak, all germinated fine. I usually put 2-3 seeds per pellet and i have 2-3 plants per pellet.

I did have bad luck with the Watermelon seeds i bought from them. (Watermelon- Not tomato- as in Charleston Grey and Carolina Cross)

So i was expecting the worst with the tomato seeds from last year. Turned out fine in germination. Now if i can get past this leaf thing. :wink:
Zone 8a
Tolosa, Texas
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Old February 26, 2006   #6
Join Date: Feb 2006
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If the PL NOT WB seeds are the same as I got, it's pretty good tomato and worth growing out....just isn't Watermelon's 10 oz pink beefsteaks with very good flavor.
Zone 4/5
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