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Old January 1, 2009   #8
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 610


Sorry for not understanding the sarcasm in your original post.

Price/value is in the eye of the beholder. I believe some folks would see value in the added expense for an earlier, full season harvest.

You claim there is no difference in years to full harvest growing from crowns, vs seeds, this is contrary to all I've read and experienced. Can you provide any additional info? From my experience I've had seed drift over the garden, and yes we've had baby asparagus growing everywhere, but they were years away from being edible.

Originally Posted by Tom C zone 4/5 View Post
Um, NO. Tom did not suggest buying crowns. In fact Tom is disparaging crowns as over priced, inconveinient to home gardening, and over priced.

Did I mention vastly over priced? As well as not a year faster than grown out from seed.

The home gardener that simply must wring every last possible spear from his/her own little bed can cull female crowns to greater effect than the bloated price of having a nurseryman do it for him.

I'm sure somebody is going to dispute me, After all I've only been growing asparagus from seed for the last fourty years, so am therefore a mere amatur at this.

If you want to go away from asapragus growing with the sensation you've been screwed without being kissed, buy crowns.

Last edited by neoguy; January 2, 2009 at 07:53 AM. Reason: content
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