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June 16, 2010 | #1 |
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: 6a - NE Tennessee
Posts: 4,538
Muddy Bucket Glamour Shots - Pix Heavy
Here's some eye candy from the garden today. There are a couple of plants that are marked as unknown and that's correct. I really don't know what they are as they were either given to me or left in my care or rescued from certain death (someone wanted to throw them away).
Anyhow, here's a few of the goodies I am seeing every day. African Queen, Ananas Noire, Black & Red Boar, Big Sungold Select, Brandyboy. AfrQueen1.JPGAnanasNoire1.JPGB&RBoar1.JPGBgSunSel1.JPGUnk.JPG Chello, Costoluto Genovese, Costoluto Genovese, Cowlicks, Eh-Lim Chello1.JPGCostGen1.JPGCostGen2.JPGCowlicks2.JPGEhLim1.JPG Golden Cherokee, Grandma Frieda, Indian Stripe Indian Stripe, Indian Stripe GoldenCherokee1.JPGGrandmaFrieda1.JPGIndianStripe1.JPGIndianStripe2.JPGIndianStripe3.JPG Khurma, Liz Burt, Marglobe, Marglobe, Toedesbush Pink Khurma1.JPGLizBurt1.JPGMarglobe1.JPGMarglobe2.JPGToedPnk1.JPG 5 of my Sibirskiy Skorospelyi plants. This is why I love them. SibSkor1.JPGSibSkor2.JPGSibSkor3.JPGSibSkor4.JPGSibSkor5.JPG Tommy Toe Red, Unknown, Unknown, Yellow 1884 Pink Heart TomToeRed1.JPGUnknown1.JPGBrandyBoy1.JPGYel1884PnkHrt1.JPG And here's some cayenne peppers, my Peppadew Peppers, my start of some compost bins, some Peanut Beans that are about ready to pick. And, Raybo, there's the wood for the roadside stand to sell the veggies. Cayenne1.JPGPeppadew1.JPGCompost1.JPGPnutBnz1.JPG Enjoy Ted
Ted ________________________ Owner & Sole Operator Of The Muddy Bucket Farm and Tomato Ranch |
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