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Old July 5, 2006   #1
Tomatopalooza™ Moderator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: NC-Zone 7
Posts: 2,188
Default Livingston was da man!

So, I've got 4 Livingston varieites growing in 3 different
parts of the garden this year.
Stone, Marvelous, Beauty, and Gold Ball

Marvelous and Gold Ball are in pots on the side of the
house, Stone is in the main garden, and Beauty is in the
side garden.

Santorini and Lime Green Salad have more fruit set than either of these, but Santorini has fusarium bad, and I've had to remove a few from LGS for BER.

Arkansas Traveler is catching up, but Beauty still has it
beat even though it's in a worse location!

And Stone is just awesome. 3 plants in a row (litearlly) died to TSWV. The next one in line is Stone, but it has
kept growing and setting fruit like mad. It's neighbor Cuostralee (my favorite) is the same size and vigor but only 1/2 the fruit set.

Overall, all of them are either the best or second best plants in their respective area based on health, vigor, and fruit set.
This is out of 8-10 other plants in their category.

So I just wanted to give props to the man who developed
these fine varieties so many years ago! I'm definitely
looking forward to tasting them all soon.
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