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Old February 23, 2011   #1
tam91's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Crystal Lake IL
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Default Bright Lights Swiss Chard - a question

I'm trying to figure out when to start these - I'll be starting them indoors. If they can go out early, that'd be great. I don't want to direct sow them, as I like to grow them up a bit, and pick out the colors.

I have two packets of seeds - some left over from last year, and a new packet this year. One is Livingston, the other from Burpee.

Livingston says "Direct sow after danger of frost and soil warms"
Burpee says "Sow in fertile soil as early in spring as ground can be worked"


Livingston - germination 4-10 days
Burpee - seedlings emerge in 10-21 days

Livingston - height 36" (I grew these last year, and they were more like 15")
Burpee - height 20"

Both say 60 days to harvest

Quite a difference there! Do I have two different varieties - one frost tolerant and one not? I thought Bright Lights WAS the variety. Or for some reason do they just have different instructions?

I'm trying to figure out if I should start these seeds indoors right away, or wait. And - do I like the Livingston (last year) ones, the Burpee, or are both fine (or the same)

Anyone grown this, and anyone have an idea?
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