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Old March 1, 2011   #16
ContainerTed's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: 6a - NE Tennessee
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I know it's not completely "homemade", but I like to use the Mrs. Wages Salsa Mix and then add my peppers, tomatoes, tomato sauces, etc.... and then doctor it up with other goodies until it meets my taste. When I'm done, mine is more like a Piquante Sauce than Salsa. I also get about 11 pints from one Mrs Wages package instead of the 5 pints listed on the label (Yeah, that's a lot of "doctoring" the recipe.)

In my opinion, one of the things that happens to homemade salsa is that it is never sweet enough. So, naturally, some sugar is on my recipe.

It is quick and easy to find a taste you like this way and then consider making the whole thing from scratch.

My neices and nephews and their families stop by for a jar often enough keep my supply of canned salsa critically low all the time. I usually make it constantly during the harvest season and at least 5 or 6 times each winter.

Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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