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Old July 23, 2011   #1
z_willus_d's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Eastern Suburb of Sacramento, CA
Posts: 1,313
Default Not so early Early Girl

You can see my half-ripe Early Girl pic (2 yr old, still unproductive asparagus green in the background), which was the first of 20+ (non-cherry) plants to ripen this season for me. I planted way back in the first week of May, so it's taken this not so early EG over 80-days to blush a Tom! That's a record for me.

The fruit is a seemingly perfect, near baseball sized, unblemished specimen with no holes cracks or damage. But here's the rub. It's lite, and I mean really lite as in it's mass is inappropriately low for it's volume -- I'd say by a factor of about 2 or maybe 1.5. What gives? Now, I haven't sliced yet as I'm still waiting for the fruit to completely ripen, but I know this mater's going to stink and have that mush/mealy white sponge flesh with no juiciness.

So what gives? Did it hang too long on the vine? Speaking of which, the vines seem healthy otherwise. Too much/little water? Don't think so. What can cause a tomato to ripen 30-40% low on (what I assume is mainly) water mass? Maybe the 2nd, 3rd or Nth fruits will do better.

I appreciate any thoughts on how I can improve my produce in this regard.
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