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Old March 11, 2012   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Des Moines, WA.
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As I said in Carolyn's thread "Germination/Updates(2012); My Seed Offer"

Good advice regarding plastic bags etc. with heat mats.
Usually I just put started seeds on top of the refrigerator. It is warmer than room temperature by a little. No problems. Usually get sprouts in 6 or 7 days.
Using the heat mat this year I had a Brandywine Croatia (thank you Ray N) sprout in 2 days.
Rushed plants into the cooler garage as some were getting leggy. Things went downhill from there. Interesting that some of the PL plants were not affected very much. Some of the PL types like Ben Gantz went down just as quick as some of the others. The best survivors are Stump of the World X Bear Claw crosses.

I have several plants that are in various stages of decline. I sorted them from least to most damage. And have sprayed all with a 10 to 1 mix of peroxide and water.
It appears to have helped and this morning I found 2 of the most damaged plants to have given up. The rest seem to look as they were when I sorted them Friday.

I need some advice on keeping the plants or starting over. Have the damaged plants been set back to much or do I hang on and let these tough little plants show their durability? I keep thinking the potting mix maybe part of the problem but I have never had this happen before. The plants have their root structure so I keep thinking they will make it now.
Any ideas?

There's a fine line between gardening and madness.
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