It is nice from Oct.-March.Then the heat sets in and 100%humidity during the rainy season.Do not forget the snakes,misquitos,now pythons,4 ft. iguanas,wild hogs making thier way down here.We tend to hibernate down here during the summer.Our AC bill is kin to the northeners heating bills.Beleive it or not we vacation up noth in PA to get away from these summers.Oh lest I forgot the nile monitor lizards(3 FT)some kind of rodent called the nutria,and a new type of jungle rat moving in.Most of these are introduced species let go by owners or escaped.Then we have a lot of farm theft and the nuts are killing and slaughtering horses for meat here in S Miami.All of my neighbors have concealed permits and we are allowed to shoot anyone on our properties.So much for the good old days"paradise lost".