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Old April 5, 2012   #11
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Originally Posted by Duets View Post
I'm trying a new tomato this year, Heirloom Mr Stripey. Just wondering if anyone has grown this kind before etc?
Many have grown it and there are several hundred varieties of gold/red bicolors as that one, which would be wayyy down on the list that I prefer.

It was the former owner of Totally Tomatoes who found it nearby, I think in GA and sent seeds to Seeds by Design in CA, a subcontract place. and off the shelf wholsale place.

First, not knowing there already was variety called Mr Strripey, the alternative name for Tigerella as bred in England they named this one Mr Stripey as well, thus leading to two My Stripies, one a large beefsteak type gold/red bicolor, the other one Tigerella, aka Mr Stripey as well, which is a small red with jagged gold stripes.

Many catalogs got them mixed up as well/

And I can't tell you how many posts I've made here and there distinguishing the two.

Finally, SBDesigh sends out to many companies their list of varieties, and that's why you find Mr Stripey at almost all big box stores, and many nurseries around the country.

Not b'c it was popular but b'c of their list they send out to growers who grow for those places as well.

There are a few folks who do like it, so give it a try and in the future I suggest you might want to try some other gold/red bicolors as well/
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