Many have stated 5 gal to be big enough for all. I am using al's 5-1-1 mix, and plan on daily watering and increased fertilizing with a diluted mix, maybe daily don't have it worked out yet. I am also going to experiment with a 5-1 mix, leaving out the perlite. Perlite is the most expensive ingrediant by far, and the pine bark mulch I have is fairly green with piecws of wood fiber that came off with the bark. I bought it bulk and ground it down to a suitable size, but it seems to have enough 1/4 inch pieces that the perlite is not needed. It will save a lot of money if it works out. I made up 18 pots, and used a $22 bag of perlite. Thats as much as the other 2 ingrediants combined, pine bark and peat moss.