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Old May 25, 2012   #1
ContainerTed's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default The Muddy Bucket Farm so far this year

Thought I'd put up some pictures of how the garden is progressing this year. We feel like we're behind on getting things planted, but then remember that two years ago, we had just finished having frost at this time of the year. Anyhow, we still have a bunch of things to go into the dirt. Enjoy the tour.

There are 3 rows of the Dwarf Project plants. . Row #1 has 30 plants. Row #2 has 41 plants. Row #3 will have the remainder. It currently has 15 in the picture below.


I really like fresh green beans and Rows #5 and #6 contain some Blue Lake Bush beans and, in the second pix below, between the white topped T-Poles, some Half Runners. All of them will be blooming soon.

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Next are a couple of rows of "non dwarf project" tomatoes. Row #7 has 28 plants and row #8 has 14 so far.


In row #9, I put in some peas. I expect them to start showing some pods any day now. Just to the right of the peas in row #9. I've just planted some Rattlesnake Pole beans, some yellow sweet corn and a second crop of Clemson Spineless Okra. This is how I use up left-over seeds.


Row #10 will also have some Non Dwarf Project tomatoes and Row #11 has 17 plants of Cherry type tomatoes so far.


At the end of Row #11 are some cabbage sets that are doing very well so far. I did have to "dust" them down when a small green catepillar started munching up the leaves.


At the end of Row #1 is the cucumber setup. Burpless cucumbers on the left half of this CRW section and pickle cucumbers on the right half. Starting to see a few cukes developing. Just beside of them is the first Okra planting that have germinated well and are starting to show first true leaves.

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In Row #2, just behind the cukes, are two volunteers from last year - a cucumber and a tomato. I'm always fascinated with volunteers and these two both got pardons for showing up and will be raised this year to see what we get.


Some of the tomatoes are showing some fruit. This one is Arctic Rose (vial# 3228) which is from Sherry's seeds. The damage is from bird pecking early in the life of this plant. It is also the earliest fruit in the garden.


Row #4 will contain most of my sweet peppers.


Up at the house, I have begun filling some containers and they are also doing well. This is "100's & 1000's" on the left and "Hawaiian Cherry (two plants) on the right. A bit fuzzy, but the "100's & 1000's" is putting on fruit.

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This is a "Big Beef" that is just going crazy with fruit. Around 20 fruit so far, with another 7 mature bloom trusses and more showing up in the tops of the growth. This plant is really putting out.


Other things going on include my adding a second "rainbarrel" tank and tying them together so that the pipe coming from the gutter on the house will fill both tanks at the same time. The closeup is included so that anyone who wants to do the same thing can see the parts involved.

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I was planting some tomatoes a couple days ago and, instead of killing some of the extra plants, decided to poke them into one of the compost piles. I also poked in some volunteers in there as well.


Lastly, here's my one and only helper in keeping up the garden. This is Miss Cookie. She's been busy this morning using her short legs and low altitude tummy to help dry up some of the heavy dew we got last night. Her other main job is "watering" certain places in and around the garden. She has complete authority in choosing the places that are in need of her "efforts". In our family meetings, she has a full vote.

25May2012p.JPG 25May2012o.JPG

Hope you enjoyed the tour.
Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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