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Old June 5, 2012   #1
BigBrownDogHouse's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Northern Illinois ZONE 5a...wait now 5b
Posts: 906
Default Wacky question about grass clipping mulch!

Hi Friends!

Kind of a goofy question but I just cannot find an answer to this online. Conflicting info back and forth and would rather hand it over to my T'Ville buddies.

Last year I used grass clippings as mulch and had the best tomato crop ever. Not saying it was because of the mulch but didn't want to change things up too much this year and change my luck.

Last year the grass clippings came from the front yard.
This year my front yard desperately needed some attention(quite honestly need it for awhile) and I have treated the lawn for weeds a couple of times and I have fertilized it. Tomatoes are not near my front lawn and are doing great. No effect from the treatments.

Of course, I don't want to put the treated grass clippings around my tomatoes.

Here is the question:
The BigBrownDogHouse has dogs, our backlawn sees plenty of dog poop and is usually picked up pretty quick. However, I am leary to put grass clippings that have been in contact with dog poop around the tomatoes if it is a no-no. My backlawn has basically never been treated with anything.

Any opinions on this?
My backlawn looks great and is super thick, plenty of clippings available. However, I realize the bad things that come from dog waste.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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