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Member discussion regarding the methods, varieties and merits of growing tomatoes.

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Old August 28, 2012   #1
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Hickory,North Carolina
Posts: 470
Default The "Taste" at last !

Some of you may recall my asking over and over again about "tart" tomatoes. Well, my garden was a disaster or more to the point, an all night buffet for the deer. (Bow season opens in a couple of weeks and I plan to get even !)

But although they worked hard at it, and ate 110 feet of sewn not planted cucumbers, 110 feet of runner beans to the point I didn't get one meal from them and the ate the tops and all growing tips from my tomato plants... to the point I gave up and let the weeds and the deer have it all.

But the other day I was mowing around the garden and saw color. Brandywines the size of golf balls as it turned out and so I went hunting and low and behold I found three tennis ball or smaller Kellogg's breakfast tomatoes..

I don't know if I could be more happy with the flavor of a tomato ! Tart but not sour and with real tomato flavor.... These will be my main crop next year should I be around to plant. Oh I'll try Thessaloniki and the ARGGs I just read a post about as well as some of the Sioux. But as much to cover in case of a bad year for the Kellogg's as anything else.

Thanks once again to everyone who offered input in my search. I have learned a great deal from all of you.
Venison anyone ? LOL
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