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Old October 17, 2012   #22
delltraveller's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Iowa
Posts: 481

Fall report

I sowed all the seeds I received for all five varieties I received: Blush, Lucinda, Natalie, Malinovyi Rog and Zolotoy Zapas.

Germination was:

Blush (2011)--1/6
Lucinda (2011)--1/5
Malinovyi Rog (2011)--1/5
Natalie (2011)--3/7 [one dead end helmet head]
Zolotoy Zapas (2011)--4/7

The Malinovyi Rog plant was culled due to signs of disease, so I have nothing more to report on that variety.

I ended up with one viable plant each from Blush, Lucinda and Natalie. I had three viable plants from Zolotoy Zapas. One Zolotoy Zapas was planted, two held in reserve in case of accidents. All varieties were planted in bags, staked and/or caged as needed. The remaining Zolotoy Zapas plants were put in the ground in late July and did have time to set green fruit before the frosts started arriving.

We had a hot, drought-dry summer here and a long period of time when nothing was setting fruit.

Blush produced the appropriate striped yellow blushed pink elongated with a nipple fruits. Plant was indeterminate regular leaf. This plant still has fruit on it and has been placed in a temporary, season extending tunnel to continue maturing fruit. If you like your fruits soft, this one isn't for you. It is sturdy and holds pretty well.

Lucinda produced small oblate fruits that ripened to green and gold striped on a fine carrot leaved plant. Every fruit produced developed BER. I grew Lucinda side by side with Silvery Fir Tree. Lucinda was a larger plant and set fruit later. The Silvery Fir tree set fruit earlier and was much more productive for me. It also set a second batch of fruit later in the season. The Lucinda results have been disappointing.

Natalie produced red slightly elongated blocky fat fruits with a slight nipple on a determinate regular leaf plant. Fruit appears in clusters and appears to have the potential to produce seven per cluster in the right conditions. Flesh is dense and there are very few seeds. Flavor improves over the season. A side branch on this plant started to grow, so I clipped off the spent original growth and got a small second wave of fruit. This plant has also been moved to the tunnel to mature the later fruits.

Zolotoy Zapas produced round, gold fruits approaching the size of a baseball, later fruit showing a nipple, on a determinate regular leaf plant. Fruit is dense and meaty, but with more seeds than the Natalie. Flesh color is bold and striking. Seems to be a good all purpose fruit for our tastes, fresh or cooked. Seems to hold well. This plant also had a side branch take off and produce a small second wave of fruits. This plant has also been moved to the tunnel to mature the later fruits. I expect to have Zolotoy Zapas back next year in an improved growing location.

Last edited by delltraveller; October 17, 2012 at 03:41 PM.
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