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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old November 16, 2012   #22
kilroyscarnival's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 614

Major score! At least for me. The guy who services the vending machine company in our office break room just gave me a ton of coffee grounds from the auto-brew coffee vender. I had an 18-gal Rubbermaid bin in my car just in case, and it about half-filled it. There was a little moldiness, as this was apparently two weeks' refuse or more. Got some of it into the compost bin on my lunch hour. That, and the kittens returning from across the street (they had left me!) made for a sweet day so far.

Side note: I joined two Freecycle lists, both served by Yahoo Groups. The one for Orlando has a lot of WANTED, the one for nearby Winter Park has a lot of OFFERs. Go figure. I was able to submit a request for buckets. Sadly, got two items of spam from members, which I mentioned to admins.

The red currants have really grown a lot in the past week! Transplanting them in richer medium and with more space certainly helped.
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