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Old December 10, 2012   #1
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,543
Default bagging up leaves

On another forum, I learned that jute bags are available in the UK for bagging up leaves. You fill the burlap bag, put it in an out-of-the-way corner for a year (the base of your hedgerow!), and you get leaf mold in a year (or so). The bag keeps the leaves from blowing around, and it decomposes along with the leaves. I think it's a brilliant idea. It would save towns lots of money -- all those trucks that wouldn't be collecting leaves!

I've heard of one place that's giving away free compost bins, for leaves and other compostables -- Montgomery Co., MD. Lots of places give discounts.

This is the first year I've had a nice haul of leaves at the same location as my compost bins (instead of several miles away). So I filled one bin with moist leaves, and I'm hoping for some nice leaf mold in a couple years. I even have extras for my regular compost. But most people around here send them offsite.
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