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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old April 11, 2013   #1
nnjjohn's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: northern new jersey
Posts: 683
Default What would be too much

Okay, I recall a few seasons ago blindly adding and probably way too much lime to a few beds that undoubtedly have not fair well for any tomato plants. The plants struggle but don't die,, they eventually grow but don't produce much and if any, way late and few at eos. My question is what would be considered too much for a well composted bed of about a 100 sq.ft? And I think I over applied the following season too..I seem to look okay with the color test capsule rapitest kit.. but I think I still overdosed a couple of my troubled tomato beds using too much lime. I thought at the time, tomato plants like lots of lime/ I also used lots of wood ash my the wood stove too over the last few years. probably used in total last four seasons.. one full bag of lime and at least a couple five gallon buckets of wood ash ( about a five gallon every season.. I haven't limed last two season but prior to that I used about a 10lbs per bed per season. Going to send some soil out to get tested soon. Just curious if I used too much of either/both.
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