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Old February 9, 2014   #1
Tomatoville® Moderator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hendersonville, NC zone 7
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Default Announcing 8 - count 'em, 8 - more Dwarf releases - coming soon!

I am sending seeds out starting tomorrow, and it will take some time - but check the link below. Please allow some weeks for the varieties to be available (perhaps Tatiana, Steve, Remy, Jeff and Carol will provide updates here so that requests are made at an appropriate time)

This will mean that our little Dwarf tomato project will have developed and released commercially 25 - TWENTY FIVE - new varieties - in the US. Patrina, perhaps you can update us on what is now available in Australia, and any plans for what comes next (of course, all made more challenging because we are "unyoked")

It is quite possible that we will have another dozen out there next year.....

Thanks and congratulations to the many volunteers who provide such great commitment and support!

For the record, the numbers per color are:

Green when ripe - 6 (5 with clear skin, 1 with amber skin)
Purple - 4
Brown - 3
Yellow - 4 (one of which will be rereleased after reselection next year)
White - 1
Red - 1
Pink - 4
Yellow/red bicolor - 1
Orange - 1

Regular leaf dwarfs - 11
Potato leaf dwarfs - 9 (remarkable because when we began the project, there was just 1 - the pretty awful tasting, small pink Dwarf Recessive)
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