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A garden is only as good as the ground that it's planted in. Discussion forum for the many ways to improve the soil where we plant our gardens.

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Old March 10, 2015   #1
linzelu100's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Virginia
Posts: 447
Default What can I plant on rough new ground that is no till?

I cleared a wooded part of my land to add space to the veg garden. I can till it up, but it will require a lot of effort ripping out tree roots. I am only living here one more year and would like to avoid that if possible. The soil is soft and crumbly, a clay mixture for sure, but previous owners had horses back there so between the horse manure that broke down and the woods decay of leaves and such it is ok soil without ammending.

I figure I can plant pumpkins out there easily as they kinda ramble and take over without much work. Probably corn too, I was thinking potatoes, but I am not sure how easy they will do.

Do you have any recommendations on what breaks new ground the best?

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