Bipetual, I just took the lids off of 2 or the 3 seed cell trays tonight. Five days after planting them. A lot of them are coming up already. Yes I was/am feeling ambitious...but am wondering if it might turn to overwhelmed
lol, I love growing plants from seed.
Aerial, there were a couple of the ones on the list I chose not to plant - Siletz because I didn't find the seed pack, and Silvery Fir Tree because I'm not sure how I want to grow this one yet - I may plant SFT in a 2-3 gallon pot from seed. Anyway, more to the point - Sweet 100 and Super Sweet 100 took their place in the seed cells. I'll be saving F2 seeds from the original Sweet 100, the improved version Super Sweet 100, and the improvement on SS 100 - Sweet Million.