Originally Posted by PureHarvest
Speaking of prices, I just agreed on 2.50/lb for my tomatoes with a higher end restaurant.
Thought that might be helpful to anyone trying to do wholesale to restaurants.
It is a beach resort area on a busy foot-traffic street.
I could live with 2$ so 2.50 is nice. I have heard of 3-6$ in some areas of the country, but I want to move product.
An established grower a bit south of me I talked to gets 2.
Looking forward to this week. We are actually supposed to get 5 straight days of sun!
Are your tomatoes heirloom or other? I am selling only heirlooms and wholesaling to a upscale farmers market. I am selling slicers for $2.50#, salads for $3.00# & cherries for $3.50#. He is selling them for $4.50#. I did find some Cherokee Purple & Black Krim tomatoes at a different local market for $1.99#. I asked where they came from and she said Florida (I am in Virginia). I bought a few and they had very little taste, but were very juicy-not the cardboard type.