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Old January 22, 2017   #11
Gardeneer's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: NC - zone 8a - heat zone 7
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Originally Posted by b54red View Post
Wrong lesson. I said I saw no difference with Big Beef as the root stock. That is not true of all root stock. Multifort and Maxifort will produce much larger plants than the original scion variety most of the time. There are always exceptions with any combinations used in grafting. Estamino is said to not be very vegetative but I find the plants a good bit larger and more vigorous with most varieties grafted to it but not all. I will be dead long before I figure out all the different combos and how they work together with just my favored varieties so I will leave that up to others to figure out. I have noticed that some combos work extremely well together. I'll list them below but there are no guarantees that you will get the same results I got.

Indian Stripe PL/ RST-106-04-T
Limbaugh's Legacy/RST-106-04-T
Donskoi/RST-106-04-T or Multifort or Estamino
Red Barn/RST-106-04-T or Estamino
Couilles de Taureau/RST-106-04-T
Brandywine Cowlick's/ RST-106-04-T or Estamino
Brandywine Sudduth's/ RST-106-04-T or Estamino
Arkansas Traveler/ RST-106-04-T
Giant Belgium/ RST-106-04-T or Multifort
Barlow Jap// RST-106-04-T or Multifort
Virginia Sweet/ Multifort/or RST-106-04-T
Delicious/ Multifort or Estamino
Neves Azorean Red/ Multifort

I'm still trying to decide on which combos work the best on some of the others but as you can see the ones that have shown a definite compatibility with a root stock that the root stock is more often RST-106-04-T. So when in doubt I used it with most of my grafts last year and was not disappointed with the results from most of them. If my goal was huge robust plants with larger fruits I would probably use Estamino or Multifort more but I prefer the results with RST-106-04-T with most of the scion varieties.

Can I get a grade "D" on this lesson ?
So where does the boost in scion size come from, other that the root system ? Does root stock's genetics play a role ?
In effect ( as I see it ) the root stock is just a disease resistance/tolerance root , maybe a stronger root system to go with that. .

Happy Gardening !
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