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Old April 15, 2017   #11
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
For all who grow the same variety there are those who love it and those who call it a spitter.

Just too many darn variables at work depending on where you live,how you grow your tomatoes, what was the season like when you grew it,there are human genes that determine how we perceive taste,and on and on.

When I was listing many varieties in the annual SSE Yearbook, there were varieties that as grown by me weren't spitters,just OK, and some who got the seeds said they were outstanding.

Same with varieties I've offered here in seed offers since Jan of 2007 and ones before that elsewhere although there was one that everyone hated, it was from South America,and I can't remember the name right now,but almost everyone referred to it as SOUR.

But I suggest that folks don't always rely on the comments of others as to growth,yield,taste,etc, for a variety as I noted re the variables above.And beware certain seed vendor sites that say ALL varieties are outstanding.

Most of the time they have bought seed and not grown the plants themselves nor saved their own seed,so maybe good to consider buying from those companies that DO grow their own varieties and sell those seeds.

Nope,I'm not here to defend red or yellow pears or the two others I linked to and several have noted others here I've also grown, and no comments on those either.

Wonderful reply, thank you
This is a little off target-but you mentioned a sour tomato? I once grew Reisetomate
. Was that it, I wonder. It was rather tart.?
Thank you for the great reply
No,it wasn't Reisetomate, aka Traveler, it was,Loka,I HAD to try and find it, and did.

Loka in their language means local and the person who sent it to me is a Tville member,although I can't remember his name. He was doing consulting in Ghana for some reason and if I wanted to find the Fall feedback reports for 2014 there would be more making nasty comments about Loka as well.

All to say,I deleted the Loka listing.

Carolyn, who thinks maybe in the Google search above, under Tomatoville,that Fall report might also be there.

Adding the following. I initially said that Ghana was in South America,it's not ,it's in Africa.
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